Clinical Chemistry

Lyophilized samples (5 mL) of human sera with added enzymes and proteins of human origin.

2, 4 or 12 surveys per year. One sample per survey in monthly program (CC12), two samples per survey in quarterly and semiannual program (CC4 and CC2).

Analytical parameters

Albumin, ALP Alkaline phosphatase, ALT/GPT, Amylase, Amylase pancreatic, AST/GOT, Bilirubin direct, Bilirubin total, Calcium, Calcium (ionized), Chloride, Cholesterol, Cholinesterase, CK Creatinkinase, Creatinine, Copper, Gamma GT, Glucose, HDL Cholesterol,  Iron, Lactate, LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase, LDL Cholesterol, Lipase, Lithium, Magnesium, Phosphate, Potassium, Sodium,  TIBC Total Iron Binding Capacity, Total protein, Triglycerides, UIBC Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity, Urea, Uric acid, Zinc

Instructions for Use

Result Entry Form

Short Name
